Do you want to learn lots of tricks on the GIBOARD?
Get rid of your back problems?
Get your body fitter with more balance and coordination?
Learn the right method for slacklining?
We'll help you achieve your goals with these programs!
- 10-weeks-program
- 2-3 Tricks per week
- to all that want do master the GIBOARD
- Share your skills on social media and become part of the GIBBON Family
- 8-weeks-program
- 8-15 miutes session
- Helps by turning the screen time into a healthier activity
- High intensity Tabata sessions with the SLACKRACK
- 10-15 minutes session
- Full body training in 40/20 pace
40 seconds exercise and 20 Seconds pause - for a better posture and mobility
- 4-Weeks-Program
- Every week a new exercise package
- Specific application of the VIBRO-Effect on the SLACKRACK
- Train the deep muscles
- How to build the GIBOARD
- Tips and tricks
- Beginner Tutorial GIBBON method
- for sustainable balance mastery on a slackline through efficient learning with GIBBON Method
- How to buikd the SLACKRACK
- Tips and tricks
- Beginner Tutorial GIBBON method
- for sustainable balance mastery on a slackline through efficient learning with GIBBON Method